My Daily Make-Up Routine and Collection

2 childlike ideals - tuesday

Hi guys!

So if the last blog post I made was after a long break, this one is even longer. The last time I wrote here was probably three months ago – three very very busy yet important and fulfilling months. So, I thought a good first post after the break would be something light and non-committal on my end. Less of what has been happening with me, and more of a documentation of a particularly aspect of my life.

Getting into make-up for me was a very late exploration. Although I was exposed to make-up early on because I’ve had to wear it for school performances (plays, dances, musicals what have you), it was always my mum doing the make-up for me. And usually whatever make-up was lying around the house was usually (extremely) expired.

So the first time I had to try and understand the various ins-and-outs of the cosmetic world was when I was going for job interviews after uni. Actually, uni was a very good time for me to experiment. I stayed in the uni halls so it meant that I could buy a whole bunch of products to test out in my room without parents judging or yelling at me for buying them. At first my experiments would be limited to buying mostly Maybelline products. They were a cheap and reliable source – most of the time. I learnt fast that their lipsticks weren’t that awesome.

But I think after four years of experimenting with different brands I have solidified a pretty satisfying collection. This is what I wear on a normal workday:

  1. Primer – Benefit’s the POREfessional
  2. CC cream – 1028 Visual Therapy Moisture Infusion (01 Light Beige and 02 Natural Beige)
  3. Concealer – Collection’s Lasting Perfection Concealer (Cool Medium)
  4. Foundation/powder – Loreal’s True Match La Poudre Two Way Foundation (Nude Beige)
  5. Eyebrows – 1028 Definer Eyebrow Kit (01 Light Brown)
  6. Mascara – Maybelline’s The Falsies (Waterproof, Very black)
  7. Blush – Maybelline’s Blush Studio (I Love Pink!)
  8. Bronzer – Body Shop’s Honey Bronze Bronzing Powder (01 Light Matte) optional
  9. Eyeliner – Clio Waterproof Pen Liner (Kill Black) optional

So usually I will ensure that I get 1-7 down. On lazier days I only go up to 5 or 6. I usually never do 8 and 9, except on special occasions or weekends. I remember there was a time where I was wearing eyeliner almost every day.

Lastly, let me know which products you stick to. I know there are a whole bunch more that I have yet to try out. I watch beauty vloggers a lot and all the products they name just whiz by my head most of the time. I know I’m still not entirely satisfied with my blush and mascara. But I really love the CC cream and eyeliner I use. If you want me to review an individual product on this list, let me know as well.

Till next time,


Makeup for Glasses Wearers

Hey there!

Okay, really random post but I thought that I’d share this video on my blog ’cause I thought it was something you don’t see every day from beauty gurus, i.e. Tanya Burr shares her tips on how to wear make-up when also wearing glasses.

Thanks to my past eye ulcer debacle (which is related to this post about wearing glasses), I haven’t been allowed to wear contacts for about two years plus now – which is a bummer ’cause since last year I’ve been experimenting and buying more make-up (probably ’cause I spent last year going for my graduation and interviews, so I felt like I wanted to be more of a grown-up and presentable). Glasses really kills my exploration in cosmetics ’cause my eyes are covered by my bulky glasses whenever I go out. So I’ve really been ‘meh’ about eye make-up and been ignoring that region of my face.

So this video was refreshing for me:

Summarising Tanya’s make-up tips:

  1. Neat eyebrows (no idea how to make my eyebrows neat, honestly, and have never been a fan of drawn eyebrows – need to find a means to meet halfway)
  2. Clean eyeshadow, i.e. contour and definitely no smoky eye
  3. Liquid eyeliner to frame the eyes so that they stand out more under your glasses
  4. Clean under eye (no mascara or eyeliner underneath)

Hope you found this video as useful as I did!

Till next time!

cumuloq ❤

What I Got For Christmas

1 silver lining - monday

At first I wasn’t too sure whether I wanted to make this tag/post, ’cause the idea of sharing what you got for Christmas to me sounded narcissistic – and materialistic. But I realised another purpose for me to make this post: to remember and feel more appreciative of what my friends do for me and to also keep a personal note of what my last (this year, 2013) Christmas was like. Cause I personally barely remember anything from my last Christmases. And it’s ironic, because they say that it is not the objects but the memories that are worthwhile – but sometimes you need objects to trigger memories.

So I decided that I would do it. And at the same time thank the people who gave me these:




We played a lot of games, ate a lot of ham, roast beef, sausages, baked pasta, and prawns, watched Frozen and played with sparklers. And I was exhausted by the end of the day.

Meanwhile, 2014 is around the corner here. It’s 11.16pm. It’s already a new year in Australia; I may not get a new post out about it till after midnight so while it’s still young, “Happy New Year, Blogosphere!” I really didn’t do anything extravagant. I just watched Doctor Who, played Minecraft and Stanley Parable and ate snacks. But to me, that’s an alright ending to the year – doing everything I’d done one any other day of 2013.

So I leave 2013 with this quote:

I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes.

Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re Doing Something.

So that’s my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself. Make New Mistakes. Make… glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody’s ever made before. Don’t freeze, don’t stop, don’t worry that it isn’t good enough, or it isn’t perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life.

Whatever it is you’re scared of doing, Do it.

Make your mistakes, next year and forever. ― Neil Gaiman

Till next year!

cumuloq ❤

she looks just like emma watson!


i just watched this youtube video and had to blog about how much she looks like emma watson! i was stunned.

actually, dailymix somehow manages to get a lot of people in the studio for celebrity makeovers who already look like the celebrities they are attempting to get ‘a look’ from. but i think so far, this one definitely takes the cake.

comments on the video itself: i love tanya, but i really don’t think katie needed that much foundation, or that kind of foundation. it really looked like she was wearing a mask and seemed to point out more flaws than to even out her skin tone. but then again, tanya did say that she didn’t really endorse fourteen-year-olds wearing make-up, and neither do i, so i think putting make-up on her in this vid was just for the sole purpose of showing how much the girl looked like emma.

just a random blog post! 🙂

cumuloq ❤