Massive Update! ALS, Thank You’s and So Much Nintendo LPs

7 the rest - sunday

Hi guys!

It’s been a while since I’ve done a weekly update, so I thought that this week would be as good as any to get one done, especially since there’s been a lot going on.

So what’s been happening with me? I’m currently on my third – or fourth – week back in school (I’m currently doing a year for a diploma). It’s been very hectic with assignments and group work and readings and it’s been a while since I’ve had to deal with homework. So I’m kind of over-stressing right now. All that I have been capable of doing for this blog is my 30 Days of the Doctor Challenge, which is over and completed! 🙂

Also, I got nominated for a Liebster Award, which was a great experience. I got to discover a handful of wonderful blogs and bloggers. I took it as a humbling experience. It’s been hard work to keep this blog up and to not deter from writing on it.It’s awesome to get some recognition for it. It is also awesome to pass it down to those who have worked as hard (and probably harder) than I do.

For me it’s necessary to think back to why you started a blog to begin with, and to not forget the reasons why as you continue writing and updating.

After all of this has been said, let me add in some of my favourites for the past few weeks:

1. Songs:

2. Youtube Videos:

3. Lets Play Videos/Series:

4. Trailer: The Theory of Everything

As you can tell there are just too many videos to just embed into one long blog update so I decided to just list them out for your picking. Things I want to bring attention to:

Firstly, ALS Ice Bucket Challenge – so me choosing the Stuart Edge prank does not mean that that video was my favourite out of all the ALS Bucket Challenges that I saw. Frankly all of the ones I’ve seen are amazing and creative in their own way. Obviously a person’s favourite would probably depend on who their favourite celebrity or online personality is, so it’s kind of impossible to rule out one over the other.

Personally, to say that any was better than the other would be completely missing the point of the entire viral effort to raise awareness for Lou Gehrig’s disease. If you have only been watching the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge without even clicking on the website for it, then please do so here: Personally, I cannot imagine what it would be like to get such a disease, and I can only hope that the money raised is really being put to good use.

Secondly, I realise a trend of mine at the moment is to watch a lot of Mario Bros. games and that’s why my LP section is flooded with them. You can go and check out any of the LPs I have mentioned, ’cause their honestly all amazing and filled with laughter. I usually watch them while I’m having my lunch or dinner in front of the computer, now that I’m back in hall in uni.

Lastly, I know it’s been a while and that since then I’ve gotten quite a number of new followers. I’d like to take up the last spaces of this post to say thank you for following me. I’m no one really extraordinary, but it means a lot that you find my content interesting to you in one way or another.

Till next time!

Cumuloq ❤

Weekly Update: The Protomen, SFPlays and Disney’s Frozen

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It’s sad to see another weekend go. Funny how you appreciate it more when you have weekdays filled with responsibilities. But I have to say that this weekend was definitely eventful. If anything, I wish I had spent more time resting and less time spending money.

This week I caught up with the new season of Glee. The first episode was disappointing for me. I wish it concentrated more on the New York side and less on McKinley High – which doesn’t interest me as much anymore. I caught up with my America’s Next Top Model. But I have yet to catch up with Once Upon a Time. A lot of time was spent catching up with my Youtube videos. A lot more time was spent outside instead of in front of my computer and even less in front of the television – which is probably how it should be, eating Key Lime Pie, and shopping.

Another thing is how interested I am as to how my life will turn out in a year from now, how much I’m going to learn from all these new experiences I’m currently having. I know it’s kind of vague here, but if there’s one thing I can share it’s that a new job, especially one that you grow to love, is sometimes like an out-of-body experience. If anything, right now, I’m kind of looking forward (and also slightly dreading) what may happen in the span of a year from now.

But enough for now, here are my favourite things of this week.

1. Song of the Week: The Protomen – Act II – Light Up The Night

2. Youtube Video of the Week: Sports with NERDS – SFPlays with PhillyD

3. Let’s Play of the Week: Captainsparklez’s Minecraft: The Building Game w/ Friends

4. Trailer of the Week: Disney’s Frozen

Till next time,

cumuloq ❤

Weekly Update: Adventure Club, Prop Hunt and Pixelmon Noob

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Hi fellow readers and writers and followers and friends, it’s Sunday!

A bittersweet day where you can still relax and have fun, but you can feel Monday slowly creeping up on you like a little brother about to pull a terrible prank – or a boss breathing down on your neck for deadlines. So let’s just reminisce on the week that has passed instead, shall we?

I’ve been a little more active this week on my blog. Of course, Tuesdays and Wednesdays posts have been absent for a while now and I want to apologise for those who enjoy those categories.

Actually, you know what, let me know down in the comments if you do really want me to put in something in those categories! Suggest a topic for those days if you want to! I’m always happy to try and meet your requests. E.g. suggest that I review a particular movie that you think I should watch, or you want to watch (of course, within my limits – I can’t jump to the future and review Thor 2: The Dark World).

For the meantime, let’s get to my favourites for this week:

1. Song of the Week: Adventure Club ft. Yuna – Gold

I guess I’m going a bit out there this week. I had half a mind to make this week’s song, Ariana Grande – Baby I, but then I realised that a lot of you guys probably know that music video was out and maybe too mainstream. So I decided to go more techno. Plus, for all those looking for something to study to or just listen to on your long commute, I think this song is just so soothing and relaxing. So maybe this is a great song for you to get through this coming week. Listening to it now while I type out this post.

2. Youtube Video of the Week: Pewdiepie’s BEST HIDING SPOT EVER! – Prop Hunt #7

In this case, I was going to put AH’s Let’s Play – Cloudberry Kingdom Part 2 but I thought I gave that video enough promotion on Friday (and it did not disappoint). But this one was definitely a surprise and a great laugh. If you don’t know, Prop Hunt is very similar to the classic Hide and Seek game. It is where you choose an item to be and your objective as a prop is to hide from the seeker and not get shot by them. On the other hand, the objective of the seeker is to kill all the props. Oh, and another close runner-up for this title this week was the Reddit topper, Fake Professor on the First Day PRANK — CHAMBER BOYS.

3. Let’s Play Series of the Week: Juicetra’s Pixelmon Noob Series

This is a new category I thought I would add, ’cause I get addicted to so many different LP series every week. This week I’m hooked on Pixelmon Noob. I’ve been watching Ryan (xRpMx13)’s viewpoint of this series but I realised I probably need a different perspective – ’cause, you know, I’m just greedy. Or, more like watching Ryan is sometimes like watching a 5-year-old play with shape blocks and he just keeps throwing them at the wall. I think, personally, I appreciate Marc’s style of commentating and learning Pixelmon better. He may start off as a “noob”, but he seems to have a steeper learning curve and admits to his faults more. Love both Youtubers regardless though. No hate.

Lastly, no new trailers of the week this time round. I’ve seen a couple of trailers – but they’re just all awful, just absolutely awful. I don’t know why they’re just going down the drain recently. Even Gravity, which probably has potential to be a great movie, has just the worst sounding trailer ever, like Sandra Bullock’s giving birth in space. So yeah, I shall not entertain any of that – except aforementioned Gravity.

So, till next time!

cumuloq ❤

Weekly Update: Help Me Improve this Blog!

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Hey there, guys!

For those who have been reading some of my posts for a while now, you probably know how much this blog has changed over the few short months that it’s been around. Well, I’m here to help it improve even more, and I need your help for this. So at the end of this post will be a poll that I would be very grateful if you take two or three clicks of your mouse to fill up.

This feedback will help me understand what my current audience (you!) likes and in turn help me become a better blogger. Also, feel free to give some feedback in the comment section. I’m always happy to reply and hear what you have to say. 🙂

So, now that that’s said and done, here are my weekly favourites:

1. Song of the Week: “Bring Me the Night” – Sam Tsui & Kina Grannis

I definitely fell in love with this one when I first heard it.


Actually, it’s more like the entire lot of Gryphon’s Commercial Series by his owner, Tobuscus. I don’t know what’s more adorable, the accent Toby gives to his dog, or the look his dog has every time he’s being video-taped. Either way, this series just made my week. If you can, watch all of it.

3. Movie of the Week: The Conjuring

You know a movie’s good when it stays in your brain for a good two days after it’s over. And not necessarily because it was a scary movie, but because it had such memorable scenes to it. I loved the camera angles, the inverted camera when they run around the house, the use of props such as windows and mirrors to create atmosphere, the musical score and the great choice of words in the dialogue. I would love to talk about my favourite scenes but I’m sure that it’ll involve a lot of spoilers to it. Should I talk about it this Wednesday? We’ll see …

So, as mentioned, do fill in the poll at the end of this post. And till next time!

cumuloq ❤

Weekly Update: One Year Six Months, A Slow-Mo Water Balloon Fight and Thor

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The weekends are over! Nooooooo. And I’m mostly upset ’cause my free preview of cable television channels is ending today. Well, at least I got to record a few of the movies I missed in cinemas over the years (another way to save money on movies, isn’t it?) Among the few that I recorded included Captain AmericaCars 2Sharknado (yeah ..), and Hugo. Also, thanks to the advice of a friend, I’ve added my URL to all my banners.

So, here’s a quick recap of all that I’ve blogged about this week (you can probably just scroll down for it but, hey, there’s no shame in me summing up the week).

Monday I showed you a bunch of cute puppies from Reddit, Tuesday I added the entire Red and Blue Pokemon Game’s soundtrack to my blog archives, Wednesday I listed down a few (hopefully helpful) tips on how to save money on movies, Thursday had me looking through Youtube for remix songs like you’ve never heard them before and Friday was another revision of Geek Week Youtube Videos. Last but not least, yesterday I showed you a poem of mine in reverse, and reversed/editted it again.

I think, I need a break. So here’s another list: my weekly favourites.

1. Song of the Week: One Year Six Months (Acoustic) by Yellowcard

I think Monday saw a lot of Yellowcard fans staying up late into the night and early in the morning on Youtube listening to the new acoustic album by their favourite band. Thanks to my different time zone, I managed to wake up nicely and have them all laid out nicely for me. This one is definitely my favourite off the album. The addition of the piano definitely solidifies how beautiful this song is. And, since Yellowcard pretty much dominated my music history this week, this song won, hands down.

2. Youtube Video of the Week: Geek Week – Slow Motion Water Balloon Fight with 1500 people Starring Freddie

In salute to RTX’s first met-up where Geoff’s daughter, Millie, instigated the first water balloon on her own father (good job), Gavin and Dan decided that this year RTX would have a momentous water fight with 1500 fans. I don’t know what was more satisfying, Gavin’s signature “Bollocks!” as the first balloon was thrown, or Dan getting hit in slow motion by a water balloon in the ear. Either way, this was a solid Geek Week video (that I sadly forgot to add to the Friday list). And here is the Behind the Scenes video footage.

3. Trailer of the Week: Thor: The Dark World

Thanks to free preview channels on TV, I got to watch Thor again and somehow this made me all the more excited about the sequel. For those who have heard, Marvel has already planned its movie franchise till the year 2021 (Source). As a fan of the Avengers but not a reader of the comics, I’m interested to see how Thor’s universe is integrated and associated with the rest of the heroes. It’s his universe that I’m more interested in than the other heroes. Maybe for the strange reason that I’m interested in mythology and sci-fi more than heroes on earth – and maybe that’s just the reason why Superman intrigues me (but always disappoints me when he is translated onto the big screen).

Well, that’s it for me this week. Enjoy the rest of your weekend! And, although you may hate it, have a great start to your week.

Oh! And before I forget, I’m currently at 99 followers, which I think is an incredible feat ’cause I didn’t know that blogging could get me followers in the first place. So, this means I probably have to wrack my brain for some interesting content once I hit 100 followers. It may not be a big number to some people, but somehow I feel like I owe people who decide to follow and read my posts something special. 😀

Thank you to all those who do read my posts every now and then. I am watching back and paying attention.

So till next time,

cumuloq ❤

Weekly Update: Acoustic Yellowcard, Acoustic SourceFed and Things Catching on Fire

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Chaotic week! I barely remember how the end half of it went. And I can tell that, since I didn’t prep as much, I was often confused on what day I was posting and what I was going to write on that day (i.e. Friday onwards). This pretty much gave me a wake-up call and made me realise that sustaining this blog will be no joke once I actually do start working – whenever that is. (I hope I get some sort of concrete answer by this Monday or Tuesday.) So, this is one of the reasons why I’m glad that August is around the corner so that I can once more reorganise the categories of the weekly updates.

I’m considering one of two things; either I give myself just a four or five day blogging week, or I keep the same categories and blog on any of the days I’m free to (this means less predictability, I can either blog on all seven days, or there can be gaps of up to two to three days). I’ll have to really see how my potential routine will be.

But as for now, let’s go on to my weekly favourites:

1. Song of the Week: Ocean Avenue (Acoustic) by Yellowcard

I really love Yellowcard and this was probably one of the first songs I heard from them. I was so excited when I heard that they were releasing an acoustic album and after listening to this track, I just can’t wait to hear what else is there. There are quite a few close runner-ups this week (Passenger – Holes (Official Video)), but Yellowcard will always take the cake.

2. Youtube Video of the Week: SourceFed’s Sex Ed, Big Ass Mirrors, and Lost at Sea… It’s Comment Commentary 78!

Why? All because of the ending; the last two minutes of this video made my week. Go check it out.

3. Trailer of the Week: The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Trailer #2

Unlike the first trailer in which I had no idea what exactly the plot was about other than “we must use Katniss as an example” (no, I did not read any of the books), this trailer at least gave away more of the plot and made me understand why there were all these other characters now such as Finnick. Can’t wait for it to come out, nonetheless.

Till next time!

cumuloquoise ❤

train monologues and star trek

7 the rest - sunday

my weekly round-up: (written at 11:21AM on the train) i actually managed to wake up at 9am today (what some may consider late, i consider a grueling labour). however, this was instantly negated when i took the train in the wrong direction (is it just me, but one-north smells like hot milo) – i’m running late for an interview – one of the last things you want to be running late for, apart from exams and a concert where you spent large amounts of money to be able to barely touch the lead singer’s hand, not pressed against sweaty bodies, too height-challenged to see over rows of heads.. so what can i do but ride the train back the other way and hope that i reach there on time … what an excellent start to my sunday morning.

yesterday was quite the opposite; when i was supposed to wake up at ten for work at eleven, i overslept till three in the afternoon, which definitely meant sleeping early last night was quite the chore. (end of note this morning.)

at that point in time, i had no idea that i’d meet a locked office door and two unanswered phone calls .. and wait forty minutes myself to realise that there was a ghost email that was sent to me saying that the interview was scheduled to two in the afternoon. oh well.

1. song of the week: star trek into darkness soundtrack composed by michael giacchino

i decided to give credit to the entire soundtrack above but showcase the theme song here. i personally love movie soundtracks and this one is no different.

2. youtube video of the week: rooster teeth animated adventures drunk burnie returns

i literally watched all the animated adventures, had a marathon of all of them, and this one is definitely one of my favourites. i can’t quite remember, it might have been podcast #211 in which this took place, but it’s even more hilarious there. i’ve never been drunk before, but i bet drunk stories have got to be the most hilarious.
Close runner-up: Darcy Presents & Cirque Du Soleil from MoreZoella. (‘Cause Darcy is the cutiest!)

3. movie of the week: star trek into darkness


yes, i actually watched a movie this time round! and i have to say the second one is a lot better than the first. for obvious reasons *cough* Benedict Cumberbatch *cough*. his acting really stole the show. and the pace was a lot faster and there was a lot more meaningful action. (i think i pissed off a lot of fans with that statement, but i have to defend my case by stating that while the first movie is important, from a film goer’s point-of-view, character establishment should be sharp and take place within the first half hour of the movie, not the entire movie, and that seemed to be the case for the first movie – i wonder if that’s what the people watching harry potter felt like during the first movie … wait, the majority of this entire paragraph is in brackets .. i wonder if people just skip over this, they’ll miss an entire statement here.)

i hope you guys are doing well! and that everything is happy and filled with sunshine in your lives! 🙂

keep on smiling!

cumuloq ❤